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Bretzke Home | Karl Ludwig Eduard | Louis Ernst August | Lou Enlow Bretze

Lou Enlow Bretzke

Born: Mar 6, 1927
Santa Ana, CA

Died: April15, 2017
Mesa, AZ

Mildred B. Atzert
Married: June 5 1951
West Point, NY

Lou Scott Bretzke
Craig Enlow Bretzke
Dale Allen Bretzke
Lance Elliott


Children of Lou Enlow

Lou Scott Bretzke

Born: Sept. 1952
Ft. Dix, NJ

Wife: Mary Lynn Jensen
Married Oct 16 1976
in Oakland CA

Varon Enlow Bretzke
Born: Oct. 6 1977
Died: Sept 27 1978
Sacramento CA

Barbara Evelyn Bretzke
Born: May 1979
Sacramento CA
She has 1 child
Anaka Lynn Bretzke
Born: Nov 2001
St. Louis MO

Veronica Elizabeth
Born: Jan 1981
Sacramento CA

Kevin Michael Bretzke
Born: Oct 1982
Sacramento CA

Quentin Joseph Bretzke
Born: May 1984
Sacramento CA


Craig Enlow Bretzke

Born: Oct 1953
Ft Dix NJ

Wife: Patty Phillips
Married in Mesa AZ, 1975-1996

Brandon Craig Bretzke
Born Sept 1977
Mesa AZ

Jennifer Arkel Bretzke
Born May 1979
Mesa AZ
Husband: Brent Hoffman
Married on July 16, 2005
in Ben Bolt TX

Dustin Paul Bretzke
Born Aug 1980
Prescott AZ


Dale Allen Bretzke

Born: Sept 1953
Ft Dix, NJ

Wife: Christine Marie Behrens married on June 25 1988
in Los Vegas, NV




Lance Elliott Bretzke

Born: Feb 1958
Sault Ste Marie MI

First Wife: Rhonda Slavens in
Mesa AZ

Second Wife: Ellen Howard

Lou Michael Bretzke
Born March 2002



Blazen of Arms

Argent; three stars gules, placed two and one.

Argent (white or silver) signifies Peace and Sincerity. Gules (red denotes Military Fortitude and Magnanimity. It is also the "martyr's colour". Stars represent Constancy in Service to the King.



Three ostrich plumes argent. Ostrich plumes denote Nobility.


